LIC (Line Integral Convolution) is a well-known texture synthesis technique proposed by Cabral and Leedom at in . It employs a low-pass filter to convolve an input noise texture along pixel-centered symmetrically bi-directional streamlines to exploit spatial correlation in the flow direction. LIC provides a global dense representation of the flow, emulating what happens when a rectangular area of massless fine sand is blown by strong wind (Figure 1).
1 /// flow imaging (visualization) through Line Integral Convolution /// 2 void FlowImagingLIC(int Width, int Height, float* pVectr, unsigned char* pNoise, unsigned char* pImage, 3 float* p_LUT0, float* p_LUT1, float krnlen) 4 { 5 int vec_id; ///ID in the VECtor buffer (for the input flow field) 6 int advDir; ///ADVection DIRection (0: positive; 1: negative) 7 int advcts; ///number of ADVeCTion stepS per direction (a step counter) 8 int ADVCTS = int(krnlen * 3); ///MAXIMUM number of advection steps per direction to break dead loops 9 10 float vctr_x; ///x-component of the VeCToR at the forefront point 11 float vctr_y; ///y-component of the VeCToR at the forefront point 12 float clp0_x; ///x-coordinate of CLiP point 0 (current) 13 float clp0_y; ///y-coordinate of CLiP point 0 (current) 14 float clp1_x; ///x-coordinate of CLiP point 1 (next ) 15 float clp1_y; ///y-coordinate of CLiP point 1 (next ) 16 float samp_x; ///x-coordinate of the SAMPle in the current pixel 17 float samp_y; ///y-coordinate of the SAMPle in the current pixel 18 float tmpLen; ///TeMPorary LENgth of a trial clipped-segment 19 float segLen; ///SEGment LENgth 20 float curLen; ///CURrent LENgth of the streamline 21 float prvLen; ///PReVious LENgth of the streamline 22 float W_ACUM; ///ACcuMulated Weight from the seed to the current streamline forefront 23 float texVal; ///TEXture VALue 24 float smpWgt; ///WeiGhT of the current SaMPle 25 float t_acum[2]; ///two ACcUMulated composite Textures for the two directions, perspectively 26 float w_acum[2]; ///two ACcUMulated Weighting values for the two directions, perspectively 27 float* wgtLUT = NULL; ///WeiGhT Look Up Table pointing to the target filter LUT 28 float len2ID = (DISCRETE_FILTER_SIZE - 1) / krnlen; ///map a curve LENgth TO an ID in the LUT 29 ///for each pixel in the 2D output LIC image/// 30 for (int j = 0; j < Height; j++) 31 for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++) 32 { 33 ///init the composite texture accumulators and the weight accumulators/// 34 t_acum[0] = t_acum[1] = w_acum[0] = w_acum[1] = 0.0f; 35 ///for either advection direction/// 36 for (advDir = 0; advDir < 2; advDir++) 37 { 38 ///init the step counter, curve-length measurer, and streamline seed/// 39 advcts = 0; 40 curLen = 0.0f; 41 clp0_x = i + 0.5f; 42 clp0_y = j + 0.5f; 43 44 ///access the target filter LUT/// 45 wgtLUT = (advDir == 0) ? p_LUT0 : p_LUT1; 46 47 ///until the streamline is advected long enough or a tightly spiralling center / focus is encountered/// 48 while (curLen < krnlen && advcts < ADVCTS) 49 { 50 ///access the vector at the sample/// 51 vec_id = (int(clp0_y) * Width + int(clp0_x)) << 1; 52 vctr_x = pVectr[vec_id]; 53 vctr_y = pVectr[vec_id + 1]; 54 55 ///in case of a critical point/// 56 if (vctr_x == 0.0f && vctr_y == 0.0f) 57 { 58 t_acum[advDir] = (advcts == 0) ? 0.0f : t_acum[advDir]; ///this line is indeed unnecessary 59 w_acum[advDir] = (advcts == 0) ? 1.0f : w_acum[advDir]; 60 break; 61 } 62 63 ///negate the vector for the backward-advection case/// 64 vctr_x = (advDir == 0) ? vctr_x : -vctr_x; 65 vctr_y = (advDir == 0) ? vctr_y : -vctr_y; 66 67 ///clip the segment against the pixel boundaries --- find the shorter from the two clipped segments/// 68 ///replace all if-statements whenever possible as they might affect the computational speed/// 69 segLen = LINE_SQUARE_CLIP_MAX; 70 segLen = (vctr_x < -VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN) ? (int(clp0_x) - clp0_x) / vctr_x : segLen; 71 segLen = (vctr_x > VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN) ? (int(int(clp0_x) + 1.5f) - clp0_x) / vctr_x : segLen; 72 segLen = (vctr_y < -VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN) ? 73 (((tmpLen = (int(clp0_y) - clp0_y) / vctr_y) < segLen) ? tmpLen : segLen) 74 : segLen; 75 segLen = (vctr_y > VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN) ? 76 (((tmpLen = (int(int(clp0_y) + 1.5f) - clp0_y) / vctr_y) < segLen) ? tmpLen : segLen) 77 : segLen; 78 79 ///update the curve-length measurers/// 80 prvLen = curLen; 81 curLen += segLen; 82 segLen += 0.0004f; 83 84 ///check if the filter has reached either end/// 85 segLen = (curLen > krnlen) ? ((curLen = krnlen) - prvLen) : segLen; 86 87 ///obtain the next clip point/// 88 clp1_x = clp0_x + vctr_x * segLen; 89 clp1_y = clp0_y + vctr_y * segLen; 90 91 ///obtain the middle point of the segment as the texture-contributing sample/// 92 samp_x = (clp0_x + clp1_x) * 0.5f; 93 samp_y = (clp0_y + clp1_y) * 0.5f; 94 95 ///obtain the texture value of the sample/// 96 texVal = pNoise[int(samp_y) * Width + int(samp_x)]; 97 98 ///update the accumulated weight and the accumulated composite texture (texture x weight)/// 99 W_ACUM = wgtLUT[int(curLen * len2ID)];100 smpWgt = W_ACUM - w_acum[advDir];101 w_acum[advDir] = W_ACUM;102 t_acum[advDir] += texVal * smpWgt;103 104 ///update the step counter and the "current" clip point///105 advcts++;106 clp0_x = clp1_x;107 clp0_y = clp1_y;108 109 ///check if the streamline has gone beyond the flow field///110 if (clp0_x < 0.0f || clp0_x >= Width || clp0_y < 0.0f || clp0_y >= Height) break;111 }112 }113 114 ///normalize the accumulated composite texture///115 texVal = (t_acum[0] + t_acum[1]) / (w_acum[0] + w_acum[1]);116 117 ///clamp the texture value against the displayable intensity range [0, 255]118 texVal = (texVal < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : texVal;119 texVal = (texVal > 255.0f) ? 255.0f : texVal;120 pImage[j * Width + i] = (unsigned char)texVal;121 }122 }
正常的结果 取消了segLen += 0.0004f的结果
1 void FastFlowImagingLIC(int Width, int Height, float* pVectr, unsigned char* pNoise, unsigned char* pImage, float krnlen) 2 { 3 float Step = 0.333333f; // 每次前进0.33333像素的流线距离 4 int LoopAmount = int(krnlen / Step); // 流线是左右对称的 5 if (LoopAmount <= 0) LoopAmount = 1; 6 int Weight = LoopAmount * 2; 7 for (int Y = 0; Y < Height; Y++) 8 { 9 unsigned char *LinePD = pImage + Y * Width;10 for (int X = 0; X < Width; X++)11 {12 float PosX_P = X + 0.5f, PosY_P = Y + 0.5f, PosX_N = X + 0.5f, PosY_N = Y + 0.5f;13 int Sum = 0;14 for (int Z = 0; Z < LoopAmount; Z++)15 {16 int Index_P = (IM_ClampI(PosY_P, 0, Height - 1) * Width + IM_ClampI(PosX_P, 0, Width - 1)) << 1;17 int Index_N = (IM_ClampI(PosY_N, 0, Height - 1) * Width + IM_ClampI(PosX_N, 0, Width - 1)) << 1;18 PosX_P += pVectr[Index_P] * 0.333333f; PosY_P += pVectr[Index_P + 1] * 0.333333f; // X和Y都是归一化的,所以*0.333333f后流线距离也就是0.25了19 PosX_N -= pVectr[Index_N] * 0.333333f; PosY_N -= pVectr[Index_N + 1] * 0.333333f;20 Index_P = IM_ClampI(PosY_P, 0, Height - 1) * Width + IM_ClampI(PosX_P, 0, Width - 1);21 Index_N = IM_ClampI(PosY_N, 0, Height - 1) * Width + IM_ClampI(PosX_N, 0, Width - 1);22 Sum += pNoise[Index_P] + pNoise[Index_N];23 }24 LinePD[X] = (unsigned char)(Sum / Weight);25 }26 }27 }
原始的效果 改动的效果
第一、参考源作者的代码,ADVCTS 设置为int(krnlen * 3),即计算次数为流线长度的3倍,我们可以认为他一次沿着流线走1/3像素的距离,因此,我们这里取Step = 0.33333f,接着,我们的流线的起点就是要计算的当前点的坐标,按照当前点的矢量方向或反矢量方向前进1/3像素,因为这个算法中我们要求Vector变量在使用之前必须是归一化的,所以X和Y坐标各自乘以Step也就可以了。当流线移动到了新的位置后,我们取这个位置对应的像素来进行卷积。
1 void FastFlowImagingLIC_Appr(int Width, int Height, float* pVectr, unsigned char* pNoise, unsigned char* pImage, float krnlen) 2 { 3 float Step = 0.333333f; // 每次前进0.33333像素的流线距离 4 int LoopAmount = int(krnlen / Step); // 流线是左右对称的 5 if (LoopAmount <= 0) LoopAmount = 1; 6 int Weight = LoopAmount * 2; 7 for (int Y = 0; Y < Height; Y++) 8 { 9 unsigned char *LinePD = pImage + Y * Width;10 float *LinePV = pVectr + Y * Width * 2;11 for (int X = 0; X < Width; X++, LinePV += 2)12 {13 float PosX_P = X + 0.5f, PosY_P = Y + 0.5f, PosX_N = X + 0.5f, PosY_N = Y + 0.5f;14 float VectorX = LinePV[0] * 0.333333f, VectorY = LinePV[1] * 0.333333f;15 int Sum = 0;16 for (int Z = 0; Z < LoopAmount; Z++)17 {18 PosX_P += VectorX; PosY_P += VectorY; // X和Y都是归一化的,所以*0.333333f后流线距离也就是0.25了19 PosX_N -= VectorX; PosY_N -= VectorY;20 int Index_P = IM_ClampI(PosY_P, 0, Height - 1) * Width + IM_ClampI(PosX_P, 0, Width - 1);21 int Index_N = IM_ClampI(PosY_N, 0, Height - 1) * Width + IM_ClampI(PosX_N, 0, Width - 1);22 Sum += pNoise[Index_P] + pNoise[Index_N];23 }24 LinePD[X] = (unsigned char)(Sum / Weight);25 }26 }27 }
/// make white noise as the LIC input texture ///void MakeWhiteNoise(int Width, int Height, unsigned char* pNoise){ srand(100000); for (int j = 0; j < Height; j++) for (int X = 0; X < Width; X++) { int r = rand(); r = ((r & 0xff) + ((r & 0xff00) >> 8)) & 0xff; pNoise[j * Width + X] = (unsigned char)r; }}